Clinics & Services
Asthma Clinic
Our treatment room nurses run the clinics for Asthma. You will be contacted either by text, post or telephone to inform you when you are next due to attend the clinic.
We are always happy to review anyone with asthma each year and more frequently if your asthma is not well controlled. If you have any of the following then please consider visiting your GP and asking for a more urgent appointment in the Asthma Clinic:
- Cough at night
- Shortness of breath at work/school or when exercising
- Persistent Cough, wheeze, tightness, or shortness of breath during the day
If you need to use your Salbutamol (blue) inhaler more than 3 or 4 times a day it may imply your asthma is poorly controlled.
If you need further advice or information then please feel free to book an appointment with our treatment room.
For further information on asthma please visit the Asthma UK website at
Audiology Clinic
We run an Audiology Clinic here at Stockwood Medical Centre which is by appointment through St Michael’s Hospital only by referral via your doctor. To make an appointment please ring 0117 342 5854.
Our Audiologist will run tests to check your hearing deficiency in our specialised room and repair or organise replacements of hearing aids. You can also pick up replacement batteries for your Hearing Aid. These are kept at Reception and are free of charge. If you require new batteries please take you Hearing Aid book to Reception who will issue you with your batteries and sign your book.
Carers' Clinic
Do you look after someone who is ill, frail, disabled or mentally ill?
We are interested in identifying carers, especially those people who may be caring without help or support. We know that carers are often 'hidden' looking after a family member or helping a friend or neighbour with day to day tasks an may not see themselves as a carer.
Caring for someone is an important and valuable role in the community which is often a 24 hour job that can be very demanding and isolating for the carer. Carers should receive appropriate support by way of access to accurate information on a range of topics such as entitlement to benefits and respite care and not least, a listening ear when things get too much.
As a carer you are also entitled to have your needs assessed by Adult Care Services. A Carer's Assessment is a chance to talk about your needs as a carer and the possible ways help could be given. It also looks at the needs of the person you care for. There is no charge for an assessment.
Carers Identification Form
If you are a carer please ask at Reception for a Carers Identification and Referral Form (or Click here to open and print off a copy) which you can complete and return to us, either by post or via Reception, to let us know about your caring responsibilities.
Cervical Smears
This is a simple painless test to detect cells on the neck of the womb which are treatable if dealt with early, but may turn into cancer cells if left untreated. The smear test is usually done by one of our nurses.
All sexually active women are recommended to have a test every 3-5 years (depending on age) from 25 years of age until 65. You will receive a reminder from the NHS when you next need a test and you will then be able to book an appointment with us.
Most women who have had a hysterectomy do not need routine smears. However please contact the nurse on an individual basis with enquires.
Child Health Clinics
From January 2019 the Child Health Clinics are on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month at Southern Links Children's Centre, 1pm-2.45pm
Recommendations for attending the Child Health Clinic for measurements if your baby/child is feeding well.
At 2 months | Height and weight |
At 3 months | Weight |
At 4 months | Weight |
Child Immunisation Clinic
We hold a Child Immunisation Clinic in our Treatment Room on a Tuesday between 13.30 and 14.45 for all children who require their regular vaccinations. You will receive a card from Avon Health notifying you when your child is due their next immunisation, or a letter from us if your child has fallen behind and needs to catch up.
To see the full routine childhood immunisation schedule please click here
Diabetic Clinic
Diabetes is a lifelong condition where your own body’s ability to produce sufficient insulin to regulate the amount of sugar in your blood is impaired. It is often associated with the body being unable to make maximum use of the insulin that is around (Insulin resistance). Diabetes can affect your eyes, kidneys, your circulation and nerve supply to your feet, and can makes diabetics more susceptible to heart attacks and strokes.
Diabetes can run in families and is much more common in people who are overweight. If you are concerned that you may have diabetes you can make an appointment with your GP.
If you are diabetic, you will be sent an appointment for when you are due for your annual check. The Diabetic Clinic is run by our Treatment Room Nurses. It is important that you bring a urine sample with you when you attend.
For further information on Diabetes you can visit the Diabetes UK website at
Click here to download a copy of 'Travelling with diabetes'
Click here to download a copy of 'Information for people with Diabetes'
Domestic Violence and Abuse

The staff in your practice are trained about domestic abuse and specialist workers are available to support you. Your practice is an 'IRIS' practice. You can talk to doctors, nurses and other staff working here if you are being hurt or controlled by your current or ex-partner, are afraid of someone at home or a member of your family. You can also contact Next Link on 0117 925 0680 and ask to speak to the IRIS worker.
How can an abuser discover your internet activities?
Family Planning
All GPs are happy to discuss your contraceptive needs and provide information on the various methods. You can also visit the Family Planning Association website for information.
Contraceptive Implants
Karen Gilby and Ruth Dawes, Nurse Practitioners perform contraceptive implant insertion and removal. Please speak to your doctor or Reception if you would like to know more about this.
Coil Fitting and Removal
Dr Rosie Laurie and Karen Gilby, Nurse Practitioner fit coils for the practice. If you are interested in this method of contraception please ask our Reception team to send you the ‘coil consent text message’ which contains information about coils. After reading this information you will be given the option of either requesting a further appointment to discuss the coil, or being booked in for a coil fit.
Click here for Coil Recalls information.
Happy Heart Clinic
The Happy Heart Clinic looks after patients who have angina or who have had a previous heart attack. We also look after patients who have had a stroke, suffer from high blood pressure (hypertension), high cholesterol or other conditions that may increase the risk of heart disease. The clinic offers regular checks and monitoring of things like your blood pressure, blood tests etc. You will also be offered advice on diet and exercise and offered help with stopping smoking and improving your lifestyle. The treatment room run the clinic and you will be contacted either by phone or letter when you are due your next check-up.
Click here to download more information on Coronary Heart Disease
Minor Surgery
We offer a range of minor procedures which can be carried out in the surgery by our own doctors. If you consult your doctor with a procedure that can be dealt with in-house as a minor surgery your doctor will inform you and you can then book a specific slot for the surgery.
Pneumococcal Vaccinations
All those aged 65 years and over OR those who suffer from a chronic illness (e.g. asthma, diabetes, respiratory disease, heart disease, kidney disease) are entitled to a Pneumococcal vaccination. This is a ONCE ONLY vaccination that can protect you from a number of different strains of pneumococcal infection. This includes those bacteria that can cause pneumonia, meningitis and ear infections.
You may book an appointment with a nurse AT ANY TIME to receive this vaccination. There will also be some vaccinations available during the seasonal flu clinics.
Podiatry Clinic
We have two Podiatrists who work from Stockwood.
If you have a problem with your foot care, or an illness such as diabetes that can affect your feet, please contact Reception who will ask you to complete a form which will be sent off to Avon Health. If appropriate the Podiatrist will then arrange an appointment to see you.
Sexual health support and information 24 hours a day
SH:24 is a free online sexual health service, delivered in partnership with the NHS. They can provide information and advice on contraception, STIs, PrEP HIV prevention and warts and herpes treatment.
Smoking Cessation
Going smokefree isn't easy, but when you see the drastic improvements to your life and health, you'll want to set your action plan going as quickly as you can.
Many nicotine replacement products are available on prescription if you are seeing a smoking cessation adviser. Also, using a nicotine replacement doubles your chances of becoming successfully smoke free.
Karen Gilby and Deb Morris are our Smoking Cessation Advisors, please speak to your GP or Reception if you would like an appointment for help with smoking cessation.
If you have been asked to attend the surgery for lung function tests (spirometry), these tests help your nurse/doctor to diagnose your respiratory condition(s). The tests may take up to 1 hour depending on the type of testing required. Click here for more information about the appointment.