Repeat Prescriptions
Always check how many days of medication you have left before ordering more and keep track of what you have left so you don’t run out.
Please request your medication when you have about 7 day’s worth of medication left. Please check your cupboards first before requesting more medication and ONLY order what you need.
Please allow at least 5 working days before collecting your medication from your pharmacy if sent electronically; this is to allow time for any necessary checks to be done by the prescriber before the prescription is signed off and to allow the pharmacy team to process the prescription, order, dispense and check the medication. Ordering specials may take longer. Paper prescriptions can be collected from the surgery in 3 working days.
How can I order my repeat medication?
You are unable to use a third party such as high street or internet pharmacy to ORDER repeat prescriptions on your behalf. Instead, you will need to order repeat prescriptions directly from Stockwood Medical Centre yourself. You can order repeat prescriptions in the following ways:
These are the 2 Stockwood Medical Centre's preferred apps to use - you can then choose to use your computer or smart phone and the prescription request is delivered straight to our clinical system:

It is also possible for family members and carers to order repeat prescriptions on someone's behalf through 'linked profiles' with Patient Access which is useful for those who are housebound or frail. This functionality will be available in the NHS App soon. Ask at reception for more details.
In person
Complete the white tear-off part of your repeat prescription – ONLY tick those items you need. Alternatively, complete a blue request slip available in the surgery. Either can be posted into the prescription box located at the entrance of the surgery.
By post
Please provide your full name and address and the name and strength of the medication you need. If you would like the prescription posted to you, please enclose a stamped self-addressed envelope.
Please note: We do not accept prescription requests over the phone unless you are a registered housebound patient.
Please note that all of the above options are intended for medication which is currently on repeat. If you require medication which is on as acute such as an antibiotic or has been stopped such as an antidepressant, you may need to arrange an appointment or a telephone consultation with a GP or nurse practitioner.
If you forget to request a repeat prescription (when surgery is closed)
If you forget to order a prescription for your repeat medication when the GP surgery is closed, and therefore run out of important medicines, you may be able to get help from your Pharmacy. Under the Urgent Provision of Repeat Medication Service, Pharmacists may be able to supply you with a further cycle of a previously repeated medicine, without having to get a prescription from your GP.
If you have run out of important medication, telephone your usual Pharmacy to check that they offer this service; if they don't, they may either direct you to another Pharmacy who does provide it or ask you to phone 111 where you can request details of a local Pharmacy that provides the service.
You must then take with you proof of both your identification and medication (eg. your repeat prescription list or empty box which should have your details printed on it) to the relevant Pharmacy. Please note that controlled drugs and antibiotics are not provided through this service, you will need to ring 111 for these.
If you receive stoma products from your Pharmacy or other suppliers and/or receive items such as continence products, please ensure you have sufficient supplies as you may encounter difficulties in obtaining these over Bank Holidays or when the surgery is closed.
Further Information about Out of Hours Medicines
Urgent prescription requests (when surgery is open)
We are receiving an increasing amount of urgent prescription requests, many of which are not urgent and could wait to be processed in the usual way.
Requests for prescriptions outside the normal prescription process impacts significantly on both prescribers and administration staff time as well as increasing the risks of prescribing errors.
Medication which can be requested as urgent is listed below. If it is not on the list, then it will be processed in the usual way (usually 2-3 working days) but please allow time for your pharmacy to order, dispense and check your medication.
- Adrenaline Auto-injectors for severe anaphylaxis such as EpiPen or Jext
- Anticoagulants ‘blood thinners’ to help reduce risk of blood clots such as warfarin, apixaban, dabigatran, edoxaban, rivaroxaban
- Antidepressants eg. sertraline, citalopram, venlafaxine, mirtazapine (excludes fluoxetine)
- Antiepileptics eg. sodium valproate, levetiracetam, carbamazepine, lamotrigine
- Antipsychotics eg. amisulpride, aripiprazole, Depakote/valproic acid, haloperidol, olanzapine, risperidone, sulpiride, zuclopenthixol.
- Anti-rejection drugs eg. ciclosporin, tacrolimus
- Palliative care medication
- Blood pressure / heart medication such as ramipril, atenolol, bisoprolol, digoxin
- Contraception as appropriate (providing you are up to date with annual pill checks)
- Medication for diabetes eg. insulin, dulaglutide, semaglutide, liraglutide, gliptins, dapagliflozin, empagliflozin, metformin, gliclazide and tirzepatide
- Medication to help with your joints such as weekly methotrexate (providing you are up to date with your blood tests)
- Parkinsons medication such as co-careldopa, co-carbidopa (brands -Sinemet, Madopar)
- Reliver inhalers e.g. salbutamol & terbutaline inhalers
- Long term or frequent courses of steroid tablets such as prednisolone, hydrocortisone, fludrocortisone, dexamethasone
- Acute pain relief following an operation
Many medications can safely be missed for a few days
- Urgent prescription requests are requests for emergency medication which are needed within 24 hours to prevent you, the patient from becoming unwell.
- Urgent prescription requests are not requests for medication which have been ordered late as it is the patient’s responsibility to ensure that repeat prescription requests are ordered in time.
Please respect our staff
Our reception staff have been told to follow this practice policy for managing urgent requests for medication and they are not authorised to make any exceptions. Please kindly respect this request.
Holiday medication
Holidays are normally booked weeks or months in advance, therefore when getting ready for your holiday, please remember to request your repeat prescriptions in plenty of time allowing at least 5 days before collecting your medication from your usual pharmacy. We can only provide a maximum of 3 months medication and we may request a patient to provide documents to support this request.
We are unable to provide urgent prescriptions for holiday medication.
Hospital prescriptions
If you attend an appointment at hospital outpatients and are given a hospital prescription, please don't leave the hospital without attending the hospital pharmacy to collect the medication as not all hospital prescriptions can be used by community pharmacies.
Patients are asked not to bring the hospital prescription to the surgery and expect it to be prescribed on a FP10 'green prescription' as some hospital medications are not licensed to be prescribed in general practice and may be non-formulary and/or specialist only.
Electronic Repeat Dispensing (eRD) batch issues
Do you get regular medicines? Save yourself time and help your GP practice, your pharmacy and the NHS by using electronic repeat dispensing (eRD) batch issues.
Your GP /prescriber, will send a series of repeat prescriptions (called batch issues), to your pharmacy in one go (up to 12 months depending on when your annual review is due), so there's no need for you to order them each time from your GP.
Please ask your usual community pharmacist for more information about this service and if you are eligible, they can start this process for you.
See the useful resources below for further information
Benefits of eRD for patients eRD Leaflet eRD dispensing leaflet for patients
Medication Reviews
Your medication will need to be reviewed at least once a year; more frequently for complex regimes or high-risk drugs. You may be asked to book an appointment for this review to see your GP, nurse practitioner, practice nurse or practice pharmacist, depending on what medication you are taking. Some reviews can be done over the telephone. The surgery also runs annual review clinics for those patients with long term conditions (e.g. Asthma, COPD, Diabetes, High risk of diabetes, Hypertension, Stroke, CHD etc) - please help us to look after your health by booking your appointment when you receive your recall letter. A notification should appear on your repeat slip as to when your review is due.
Please ensure that you book an appropriate appointment to avoid unnecessary delays to further prescriptions.
Missed appointments
Please let the surgery know if you cannot make an appointment so we can offer it to someone else. If your medication review is overdue and you have not attended your review appointment, then the quantity of your medication may be reduced until you attend. It is important that your medication is reviewed regularly to ensure it is still appropriate and safe.
Name changes of your medication
From time to time, you may notice that the name, brand or colour of your medication may change. Medicines have two names – generic (the drug name) and brand (the name the drug is traded under). Prescribers are encouraged to prescribe cost effective, evidence-based medication in line with the local ICB formulary, so you may find that your medication is switched to an alternative, but there should not be any change in the control of your symptoms. If you have any questions or concerns about your medication, please speak to your community pharmacist, our practice pharmacist here at the surgery or your GP or nurse.